Nasıl Kullanılır = özne, nesne, be’nin tümleci, ilgeç tümleci ve koşuntu olarak

Nasıl Çevrilir = do ve mend eylemleriyle örnekler:

present progressive

to do = yapmak; yapmaya; yapmayı; yapmak için

to mend = onarmak; onarmaya; onarmayı; onarmak için

continuous infinitive

to be doing = yapıyor olmak, yapmak

to be mending = onarıyor olmak, onarmak

perfect infinitive

to have done = yapmış olmak

to have mended = onarmış olmak

perfect continuous infinitive

to have been doing = yapıyor olmak, yapmak

having been mending = onarıyor olmak, onarmak

negative infinitive

not to do = yapmamak; yapmamaya; yapmamayı

not to mend = onarmamak; onarmamaya; onarmamayi

passive infinitive

to be done = yapılmak

to be mended = onarılmak

to have been done = yapılmış olmak, yapılmak

to have been mended = onarılmış olmak, onarılmak

subject of the verb / eylemin öznesi

Nasıl Kullanılır =   1. mastar (grubu) + fiil (+ tümleç)

2. it + fiil + mastar (grubu)

Nasıl Çevrilir =yapmak, etmek 1. mastar (grubu) + fiil (+ tümleç)

1. Mastar (grubu) + fiil (+ tümleç)

To live in Tokyo is expensive.

Tokyo’da yaşamak pahalıdır.

To do the same thing all the time is dull.

Sürekli aynı şeyi yapmak sıkıcıdır.

To drive in the fog is dangerous.

Siste araba kullanmak tehlikelidir.

2. it + fiil + mastar (grubu)

a) it is + adjective

It’s easy to swim.

Yüzmek kolaydır.

It’s important to eat properly.

Doğru dürüst yemek yemek önemlidir.

It’s useless to prolong the delay.

Gecikmeyi uzatmak yararsızdır.

It’s very expensive to set up a home.

Ev kurmak çok pahalıdır.

It’s vital to check everything.

Her şeyi kontrol etmek çok önemlidir.

It’s not necessary to hold a consultation.

Konsültasyon yapmak gerekli değildir.

Is it hard to open that box?

O kutuyu açmak zor mu?

It isn’t worthwhile to finish that work today.

O işi bugün bitirmek zahmete değmez.

It was nice to be back among our friends again.

b) it is + adjective + for sb + infinitive (phrase)

It’s important for you to do it now.

Onu şimdi yapman önemli.

It isn’t necessary for him to buy a car.

Araba alması gerekli değil.

It’s impossible for me to see the dentist today.

Bugün dişçiyi görmem olanaksız.


Aşağıdaki tümceleri Türkçeye çeviriniz.

It’s easy for her to take shorthand.

It’s important for them to discuss the matter now.

It’s possible for the dentist to save that tooth.

c) it is + noun + infinitive (phrase)

It was fun to get together.

Buluşmak eğlenceli oldu.

It is the duty of a doctor to care for the sick.

Hastalara bakmak bir doktorun görevidir.


Aşağıdaki tümceleri Türkçeye çeviriniz.

Is it time to take the temperatures yet?

It’s a great convenience to have a car.

d) it + verb + infinitive (phrase)

It pays to advertise.

Reklam vermekte yarar var.

It took him two months to finish the book.

Kitabı bitirmesi iki ay sürdü.

It usually takes me about half an hour to get to work.

İşe varmam genellikle yaklaşık yarım saat sürer.


Aşağıdaki tümceleri Türkçeye çeviriniz.

It doesn’t do to complain.

It seems advisable to do this.

It needed some courage to do that.

It took them an hour to put out the fire.

object of the verb / eylemin nesnesi

Nasıl Kullanılır = özne + fiil + to-infinitive

Nasıl Çevrilir = yapmaya, etmeye, yapmayı, etmeyi

They want to terminate the contract.

Sözleşmeyi bitirmek istiyorlar.

I hope to go back to work tomorrow.

Yarın işe dönmeyi umuyorum.

I’d prefer to stay in bed all day.

Bütün gün yatakta kalmayı tercih ederim.

I managed to find an empty seat.

Boş bir yer bulmayı başardım.

The phone rang after she had started to work.

İşe başladıktan soma telefon çaldı.

The boss doesn’t like to fire any of his employees.

Patron işçilerinden hiçbirini kovmak istemiyor.

I had nearly reached home when it began to rain.

Yağmur yağmaya başladığı zaman eve yeni gelmiştim.

Don’t forget to take the tablets every morning first thing.

İlk iş olarak her sabah bu tabletleri almayı unutma.


Aşağıdaki tümceleri Türkçeye çeviriniz.

The dress cost so much that she couldn’t afford to buy it.

He agreed to see the woman.

The government has agreed to reduce income tax.

Would you like to spend a year travelling about the world?

He loves to read.

She prefers to go by train because it is always faster.

Nasıl Kullanılır = özne + fiil + kişi + to-infinitive

Nasıl Çevrilir = yapmamı, yapmasını, yapmalarını, vb.

I asked him to go home early.

Ondan eve erken gitmesini rica ettim.

I must ask you to withdraw your allegations.

İddialarını geri almam rica etmeliyim.

Ifl see her, shall I ask her to go with us?

Onu görürsem bizimle gelmesini rica edeyim mi?

I’d like you to come into hospital for some tests.

Bazı testler için hastaneye gelmenizi istiyorum.

I want you to look into this matter.

Meseleyi araştırmanı istiyorum.

We want you to enjoy yourselves.

Eğlenmenizi istiyoruz.


Aşağıdaki tümceleri Türkçeye çeviriniz

I’ll ask Mary to bring her pictures.

If he lights a cigarette here, the guard will ask him to put it out.

May I ask the secretary to procure further information?

May I ask you to keep the minutes?

predicative complement of "be" / be’nin tümleci

To see is to believe.

Görmek inanmaktır.

The first step is to make a choice.

İlk adım bir seçim yapmaktır.

The greatest insult is(to ignore someone..

En büyük hakaret birini görmezlikten gelmektir.


Aşağıdaki tümceleri Türkçeye çeviriniz.

My aim is to prevent trouble.

Her one wish is to be left in peace.

His job is to save the company money.

His purpose in life is to make friends.

His real goal is to retire at thirty.

sıfat + to-infmıtive

I’m glad to be rid of it.

Ondan kurtulduğum için memnunum.

I’m sorry to say we have no cigarettes.

Üzülerek söylüyorum ki hiç sigaramız yok.

Their house wasn’t easy to find.

Evlerini bulmak kolay olmadı.

The contents of RAM are easy to change.

RAM’in içeriği kolayca değişebilir.

The clerk was afraid to ask for more money.

Memur para istemeye korkuyordu.

David is determined to pass his examination.

David sınavım geçmeye kararlı.


Aşağıdaki tümceleri Türkçeye çeviriniz.

I am determined to go.

You would be foolish to do so.

I am anxious to please you.

I am sorry to have kept you waiting.

I am sorry to hear you have been ill.

This lake is dangerous to bathe in.

We are glad to know he is doing well.

I’m sorry to hear that your sister has died.

I am glad to see that you have recovered.

When he’s ready to go, we’ll decide on that.

You were the first to put the idea forward I’ll be glad to provide further information.

question word + to-infinitive

Nasıl Kullanılır =       1. when/what/where/how/who + to-infinitive

2. which + isim + to-infinitive

Nasıl Çevrilir =

when to do = ne zaman yapmak gerektiği, ne zaman yapılacağı

what to do = ne yapmak gerektiği, ne yapılacağı

where to do = nerede yapmak gerektiği, nerede yapılacağı

how to do = nasıl yapmak gerektiği, nasıl yapılacağı

who to apply = kime başvurmak gerektiği, kime başvurulacağı

which to buy = hangisini satın almak gerektiği

which book to buy = hangi kitabı almak gerektiği, hangi kitabın alınacağı

Will he learn how to swim?

Nasıl yüzüleceğim (yüzmek gerektiğini) öğrenecek mi?

I don’t know how to drive a car.

Nasıl araba kullanılacağını bilmiyorum.

I don’t know what to do at night.

Geceleyin ne yapacağımı bilmiyorum.

Have you been told when to come?

Ne zaman gelmek gerektiği size söylendi mi?

They asked where to go.

Nereye gidileceğini sordular.

The bank clerk told him where to change money.

Banka memuru ona parayı nerede değiştirebileceğini söyledi.

If you can’t make up your mind which to have, why not buy them both?

Hangisini alacağına karar veremiyorsan, ikisini de alsana.

We haven’t decided yet whether to go by train or plane.

Trenle mi yoksa uçakla mı gideceğimize henüz karar vermedik.

Aşağıdaki tümceleri Türkçeye çeviriniz.

I don’t know which way to turn.

She couldn’t make up her mind which dress to buy. He always senses what to do next.

He didn’t hear what to do next.

He scarcely knows what to say about it.

I won’t be told what to do by anyone.

If he had been here, he would have known what to do.

She informed him how to fill out the application.

Will he learn how to play tennis?

Have you decided who to ask for the party?

I should be so grateful if you would give me some advice about which course to take.

isim + to-infinitive

Nasıl Çevrilir = yapacak, edecek

I have nothing to conceal.

Gizleyecek hiçbir şeyim yok.

I have a bus to catch.

Yakalayacak bir otobüsüm var.

They have no money to spend.

Harcayacak paralan yok.

The child needs someone to care for her.

Çocuğun kendisine bakacak birine ihtiyacı var.

We know someone to consult.

Akıl danışacak birini tanıyoruz.


Aşağıdaki tümceleri Türkçeye çeviriniz.

I have work to do.

I have nothing to eat.

Has anyone anything further to say?

Have you any books to lend me?

Haven’t you got some work to do?

Will you give me some tablets to relieve the pain?

infinitive of purpose / amaç gösteren eylemlik

Nasıl Çevrilir = -mek için, -mak için, -meye, -maya

Neyi Belirtir = amaç

We process wood pulp to make paper.

Kâğıt yapmak için kâğıt hamurunu işleriz.

A bulldozer was used to clear the road.

Yolu açmak için bir buldozer kullanıldı.

A crowd of people is at the station to greet him.

Onu selamlamak için bir insan kalabalığı istasyonda.

Fix a time to settle the matter.

Sorunu halletmek için bir vakit kararlaştırın.

He lit a fire to warm the room.

Odayı ısıtmak için ateş yaktı.

He went to get some cigarettes.

Sigara almaya gitti.

I have come to see you.

Seni görmeye geldim.

We’ll come to pick you up.

Seni almaya geleceğiz.


Aşağıdaki tümceleri Türkçeye çeviriniz.

He bought that machine to cut down on the clerks.

He made a diagram to show us the way to go.

He came to work although he still had a fever.

He is a difficult man to deal with.

Let’s use an example to illustrate.

The old man uses a stick to help him walk.

After my visitor had gone, I went out to post a letter.

All the students assembled to sing the national anthem.

He may reach the station in time to catch the train.

He bought that machine to improve the efficiency of the office.

If I were as young as you are, I would go abroad to earn my living.

Most modern computers use secondary storage to extend memory capacity.
verb + sb + do/ doing

I felt the insect move.

Böceğin hareket ettiğini hissettim.

I felt the insect moving.

Böceğin hareket etmekte olduğunu hissettim.

We heard him sing in the bathroom.

Onun banyoda şarkı söylediğini duyduk.

We heard him singing in the bathroom.

Onu banyoda şarkı söylerken duyduk.

Did you see him doing his homework?

Onu ödevini yaparken gördün mü?

I watched them playing in the garden.

Onun bahçede oynayışını izledim.


Aşağıdaki tümceleri Türkçeye çeviriniz.

He sensed her withdrawing from him.

Somebody saw him leave the office.

I noticed him paying the check.


Ayraç içindeki mastarın uygun biçimini kullanın.

Example: He told me (sit) down. — > He told me to sit down.

He let me (go) home. — > He let me go home.

1. Where is he (find)?

2. There is nothing (do).

3. He made me (leave) the room.

4. He made me (to wait) a long time.

5. You need not (wait) for me.

6. You were heard (say) that.

7. He does not dare (go) alone.

8. He allowed me (go) home.

9. You don’t need (wait) for me.

10. Can you (speak) Russian?

11. Did you hear him (to leave)?

12. He dare not (go) alone.

13. He let me (go) home.

14.1 saw him (to take) the money.

15.I should like something (eat).

16. He wouldn’t let me (to come) in.

17. The tcacher let us (to leave) early.

18. No one saw him (to cross) the street.

19. Don’t let him (to touch) those things.

20. He made us (to write) the exercises in ink.

21. How long did he make you (to wait)?

22. Will you help me (to look) for the book?

Örnekteki gibi bir eylemlik yapısı kullanarak Tümceyi dönüştürünüz ve Türkçeye çeviriniz.

I have got nothing that I can eat.

— > I have got nothing to eat.

Yiyecek hiçbir şeyim yok.

1. He’s got some letters he’s going to write.

2. They’ve got some books they’re going to read.

3. I’ve got some calls I’m going to make.

4. She’s got some books she’s going to return.

5. We’ve got some work we’re going to finish.

6. You’ve got some questions you have to answer.

7. He’s got some friends he has to visit.

8. They’ve got some lists they have to copy.

9. I’ve got an article I have to translate.

10. She’s got some shirts she has to mend.

And bağlacı ile birleştirilen cümleleri amaç gösteren mastarlar kullanarak yeniden kurunuz.

He went and saw the doctor. — > He went to see the doctor.

1. He stopped and bought a paper.

2. She came and asked me to help her.

3.1 closed the door and stopped them from entering.

4. We drove to the station and met our friends.

5. They turned on the radio and heard the news.

6.1 ran and caught the bus.

7. She paid and went in.

8. He took his radio and had it mended.

9. She brought her watch and had it repaired.

10. She went out and did some shopping.

11. He sent his suit and had it cleaned.

12. He went to Paris and learnt French.

Örnekteki gibi, simple preseniı preseni perfect, simple pastı da yine simple past yaparak fiil + kişi + yalın fiil dizilişinde cümleler kurunuz.
She sings well. — > I’ve never heard her sing.

They left. — > I saw them leave.
He practises a lot.

You drank it.

She went.

He ran.

She paid.

He took it.

She wrote it.

He signed it.
He speaks well

He fell.
She tries hard.

She plays well.
He practises a lot.
They played.

He reads well.

She tries hard.
Aşağıdaki cümleleri örneklerdeki gibi yalın mastarlarla yeniden kurun.

Where should I go? — > Can you tell me where to go?

1. What should I say?

2. When should I telephone?

3. How should 1 do it?

4. Who should I see?

5. How much should 1 pay?

6. Which should I take?

7. Where should I look for it?

8. When should 1 come?

9. Who should I ask for?

10. How should I boil the potatoes?

11. How should I melt butter without burning it?

12. How much salt should I add?

it geçici öznesi ile kurulan cümlelerin içine ayraç içindeki bilgileri ekleyin.

Example: It’s necessary to buy a new car. (for me)

- > It’s necessary for me to buy a new car.

1. It’s necessary to answer this letter, (for the boss)

2. It’s important to finish his education, (for his son)

3. It’s impossible to get married right away, (for them)

4. It’s difficult to pay for a new car now. (for us)

5. It’s not easy to save money, (for the married couple)
